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Perth, WA recent comments:

  • Bayswater Primary School, michaela (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    i went thire to bayswater fo 2 weeks i moved to gosnells 3 darking drive
  • Thomsons Lake, Joe Mudd (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    It's Thomsons Lake not Thompsons. Sorry to be a grammar Nazi
  • Shelley Bridge, JJBETZ (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    Add your comment in English? Like I'm going to go Bonjour. Comment allez-vous. Cette image est de passerelle de Shelley.
  • Koonawarra Primary School, Perth, Sulaksana Hasan Rabbani (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    i miss this place... it was such a memory for me
  • BOC Kwinana, (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    Hello It has been brought to my attention that pages like yours are incorrectly listing BOC Kwinana West Aust as a retail outlet. BOC would like to request that you remove our listing from your page immediatelly as customers are being lead to our premises expecting retail services which we do not provide. We end up sending them 50km's away to Welshpool BOC. We at kwinana supply big industry with gaseous products via pipelines, and have not had a retail outlet on site for over 12 years. Please contact me of you have any issues regarding this. Otherwise remove our listing immediatelly. Thanks Ashleigh Leece
  • Harold Rossiter Park, MAUREEN ROSSITER (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
  • Herrison Island, wogboy (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    get off the place is for wogs we built this country
  • Canning College, NuddinSulaiman wrote 13 years ago: proof that what was written above is true,you can find my progress report while studying for a short stint in Canning College which was signed by Mr. R Bartholomeus on behalf of Mr. Jim Casey, the Principal, as far as I am concerned, Mr. Roland Bartholomeus is the in-charge-of foreign student affairs of Canning College. in here in the section of the progress report which I scanned and uploaded there. In The progress report was written.....his achievement was very high, above distinction level, in all, except English below average.........and he concluded my report with......definitely one of our overseas students whom presence will be missed.
  • Canning College, NuddinSulaiman wrote 13 years ago:
    My beautiful memory while studying here, during my final days in Perth, Western Australia, before returning home to my home country, Malaysia. Before falling sick and admitted to the Heathcote Hospital, suburb of Applecross, Western Australia. The memory was like this. My Math 3's, or in my home country is Additional Mathematics, whereas Maths 2, in Malaysia is Modern Mathematics, lecturer namely Mr. Doug Rusell on one day come to my desk while I was in his class of maths 3 . Mr Doug Rusell said, " Din! Could you do me a favour? And I replied, definitely sir. Afterwards, He showed me a piece of paper, and said the whole night, He can't sleep because HE wanted to solve his mathematics problem." Okay!!! Let me say something, Do you know what was written on the paper, I mean what is the maths problem that Mr. Doug Rusell asking me to do him a favour? LET'S TAKE A BREAK HERE! I WANNA TELL U SOMETHING........WE ALWAYS REGARDED THE LAND OF AUSTRALIA OR FAMOUSLY CALLED AS THE LAND OF DOWN UNDER AS THE PLACE OR THE LOCATION WHERE THE BANDITS OR GANGSTERS OR CRIMINALS THEN, WERE BEING SENT OR PLACED OR WHATEVER YOU NAME IT, I DON'T CARE....BUT WHAT I WANNA TOLD HERE....IS HOW THE AUSTRALIAN PEOPLE, OR HOW THEY CALLED THEMSELVES, AS AUSSIES, BEHAVE OR THEIR CUATOMS OR THEIR CULTURES......BANDITS, CRIMINALS DEFINITELY ARE BAD.....NO...NO...NO.......IN SOME CASES, EVEN MANY CASES.....THEY ARE MORE POLITE THAN WE ASIANS......BUT ASIANS, PLZ DON'T MISCONTRUE WITH MY STATEMENTS.....NOT ALL...I NEVER SAY AUSSIES ARE BETTER THAN ASIANS IN ALL ASPECTS....AS WE ASIANS ALSO ARE NOT BETTER THAN AUSSIES IN ALL ASPECTS.... I don't know how to explain, because that is my first time in my life which I see the question or the mathematics problem or whatever you manna say, very difficult, much difficult, too difficult. Actually, I know nothing what is being asked to me by Mr. Doug Rusell........BEFORE I SAY BEFORE I GIVE A CONCLUSION OF WHAT I WANT TO SAY, LET ME TELL YOU, WHY MR DOUG RUSELL SELECT ME TO ASSIST HIM WITH HIS VERY DIFFICULT MATHEMATICS PROBLEMS.......BECAUSE I ALWAYS SCORE AROUND 95 % MARKS IN MATHS 3.....AND I USED TO SCORE 97 OR 98 % .....ACTUALLY MATHS 3 ARE NOT THE ONLY PAPER WHICH I SCORE WELL......ALL OTHER PAPERS EXCEPT MALAY .....I DID WELL TOO....DID WELL I MEAN I SCORE FOR THEM, MATHS 2/MODERN MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY & BIOLOGY LIKES MATHS 3/ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR AROUND 93% OR MORE....10Q....aussies love asians and the rest of the worlds; asians love aussies and the rest of the worlds; and the rest of the worlds love aussies and asians...
  • Herrison Island, Jock (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    It bothers Phil though.
  • Herrison Island, Jock (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    I don't really care either way. They stay there as long as they want too for all I care. They can leave and I still do not care either. BORING TELL SOMEONE WHO CARES NOT ME.
  • Mt. Brown Lake, jane (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    haha, you're doing the murdoch transect aren't you
  • Herrison Island, Wake_Up_2_Corruption (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    WHAT IS THIS BULLSHIT? The Corrupt Government is trying to pay out 1 Billion dollars and not hear the 30,000+ Mabo cases? Where is the justice here? They want all the land for mining (how much is just one of these refineries worth? billions). The Police Commissioner under investigation for misusing Corporate Credit Card. All these golden handshakes through energy minister while we get increases in energy utility charges. Propaganda we are meant to swallow about how these outback communities trash all the accommodation the Government provides, but no word that these people have NEVER lived in houses before. IT'S A BUNCH OF LIES TO MAKE ABORIGINES LOOK BAD. The aborigines certainly have a BETTER TRACK RECORD OF LOOKING AFTER THE LAND!!!!!! FUCK THE WA GOVERNMENT AND THEIR CORRUPTION, IT ALL LEADS BACK TO ENGLAND AND THE QUEEN, THEY WANT TO ETHNICALLY CLEANSE THESE PEOPLE!!!!!!! WISE UP!!!!! Educate Yourself into the bigger picture:
  • Mt. Brown Lake, fred (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    what soil type is at mt brown lake
  • Herrison Island, SB (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    For some reason I don't feel safe walking around the island anymore. Pitty as it used to be a great walk. I wish the government would stop people camping illegally on the island and abusing everyone, as I am sure if i went and set up camp I would be booted off very quickly by the Perth council or the police. One rule for everyone please.
  • Koonawarra Primary School, Perth, najma annuria fithri (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    i have been there for around 2 years in 1998 till 2000, iam so happy, thank you.
  • Lumen Christi College, jamjamala (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
  • Licensing center, ian r (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    address of nearest lic center in highgate
  • Licensing center, Johnny nielson (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    How much time after due date of re newing license do you heave
  • Channel 10 Perth (NEW10), Ross Trigwell (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    I have made it my personal task, as a Vietnam Vet to have as amny Loyal aussies as possible to remove channel 10 from their tv menu. You will obviously know why, if not just ASK THE IDIOTS FROM YOUR CIRCLE SHOW. I have never been more ashamed, how could we denegrate our war heroes in this manner. Do not reply to this message.